Friday, September 9, 2011

Coming up with money saving ideas even when the tap is leaking

It has been a while since I posted a money saving idea and I have an odd one today that I would like to share because you never know when someone will be stuck in the same position.

We live in rented accommodation so we have to rely on a landlord to fix things, which means that things don't always get taken care of as fast as you would like. However even if we owned our own place problems might not get fixed as quickly as we would like because of finances, so either way you can at times be left with a frustrating situation. So sometimes it takes some out of the box thinking to save money when situations like today happen. We have a leaking sink and the plumber is not coming until Monday. Now we live on metered water, which means that literally every tiny drop that comes out of the tap is money coming out of our wallet. This frustrates me, even more so because I am home most of the day so I can hear the sound of the tap dripping and it is a constant reminder of the wasted money. So I this morning I stuck a pot under the tap and I have been using the wasted water throughout the day. First I filled the kettle when I wanted to make some tea, then I had to water a few plants, clean the bathroom and now it is filling the pot that I need to boil the water for the pasta tonight. It is still annoying that the tap is dripping but it has made me feel a whole lot better being able to use the water instead of just having it be wasted.

So keep your mind always thinking outside of the box and tell me what ideas you have come up with to save money when a situation presents itself that is out of your control.

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