Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Finding meals that fit in a busy mom's day

So I just had a baby, well two weeks ago I did. And I am amazed at how quickly my life changed when my little girl arrived. It doesn't take long after you have had a baby to realize that everything is going to be different from now on. And one of the differences that was very evident early on was how little time I have to prepare meals let alone eat them. So my love for easy to prepare meals has increased significantly. But not just easy, the meals need to be weather appropriate. It is all well and good to have a bunch of crock pot recipes but when it is hot outside you just want something refreshing yet filling. This recipe for Taco Salad not only satisfies all of the requirements it is also a wonderful childhood memory as it was a dish my mom often prepared for us. The coolness of a salad is perfect for a hot day and yet it is filling enough to serve for a dinner.  And because it only takes 10 minutes to prepare and is easy enough to eat quickly, or slowly in between feedings, it is perfect even for a busy new mom.

Taco Salad
500g (1 lb) minced beef
1 package of taco seasoning
1 small onion, minced
1 head of Romain lettuce
4 large tomatoes, diced
2 avocados, diced
80g (1 c.) mild grated cheddar cheese
1 c. crushed tortilla chips
Serving size 6

Brown minced beef in a frying pan until no longer pink, about 4-5 minutes. Drain and set aside.

Saute onion in a small amount of olive oil until onions are soft, about 2 minutes.

Add beef, taco seasoning and water, amount according to the package directions, to the onions and allow to simmer for 10 minutes.

Tear up the lettuce into bite size pieces and serve up the lettuce, tomatoes and avocados onto plates. Or to make it even easier you can toss it all into a bowl and allow people to serve themselves.

Top salad with ground beef, crushed tortilla chips, cheese and add as much salsa as you would like for garnish.  The salsa is what you are using instead of a dressing so this is up to personal preference.


  1. Yes....definitely a favorite! It's also good with black beans....and corn! I also like to make a "dressing" by mixing some sourcream and salsa!

  2. mmm, this is so delicious and easy! Kelly made it last week during our heat-wave. Cool and filling dinner.

  3. We love this! I love the idea of corn too. I also added a little low fat sour cream - yum!
